Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

November 3rd 2007

HK Maintains USD Peg

This week, the Central Bank of Hong Kong intervened in forex markets for the first time in nearly two years, by purchasing over $1 Billion in US government securities.  The intervention was precipitated by fluctuation on the HK Dollar, which had been tending towards the upper end of its tightly controlled trading band.  Strength in the HK economy combined with a strong performance in HK capital markets have sucked large amounts of foreign capital into the Chinese-controlled city-state, which exerted upward pressure on its currency.  Hong Kong’s Central Bank also matched the recent rate cut by the Fed with a rate cut of their own.  Many analysts had put forth the idea that Hong Kong would scrap its peg when the Chinese Yuan slid past it, but this recent move suggests the Dollar peg is here to stay.  The Financial Times reports:

Joseph Yam, HKMA chief executive, said on Thursday: “We again reaffirm that the [Hong Kong] government has been clear in its financial policy and is committed to maintaining the peg.”

Read More: Hong Kong to stick with US dollar

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