Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

December 1st 2007

EU Joins US in Calling for Yuan Revaluation

In the campaign to pressure China into revaluing the Yuan, the US has by far been the loudest voice.  However, the rapid decline of the USD may have unintentionally earned the US a new ally in its fight: the EU.  Since the Chinese Yuan is essentially pegged to the USD, and the USD has declined against the Euro, the law of triangular arbitrage is such that the Euro has actually appreciated significantly against the Chinese Yuan.  EU officials are no longer standing by idly, since the exchange rate is beginning to deal serious harm to its balance of trade.  In fact, the EU now occupies third position on the list of countries with the largest trade deficits with China.  Because of the nature of China’s exchange rate regime, however, China’s ability to control the relationship of the Yuan with both the Euro and the USD will be difficult, if not impossible.  The Bangkok Post reports:

Given the fact that about 70% of China’s $1.4 trillion in foreign reserves are dollar-denominated assets and the majority of foreign trade transactions are cleared in US dollars, China has focused more on the RMB-dollar rate.

Read More: A tale of two currencies

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Posted by Adam Kritzer | in Chinese Yuan (RMB), Euro | No Comments »

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