April 10th 2006
EU calls for Yuan appreciation
It’s official: the US is no longer alone it its exhortation of China to further revalue the Yuan. In a press conference held earlier this week, the Finance Minister of Austria (the nation that currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU) suggested that the Yuan must be allowed to appreciate. He argued that such a step was not only in the long-term of interest of China, but would also help correct global economic imbalances. His calls for revaluation closely mimicked those of the US, with one notable difference. The Finance Minister insisted that the Yuan revaluation should be accomplished gradually, whereas American politicians would like to see it take place in one swift motion. AFX Limited reports:
The EU Commission reportedly backs a more gradual approach because of concerns that sudden yuan adjustment could weaken the dollar against the euro.
Read More: EU presidency’s Grasser, ADB’s Kuroda seek gradual move to flexible Yuan