Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

October 22nd 2005

Still no signs of Yuan revaluation

Last week, the Group of 20 industrialized and developing nations met in Beijing to discuss pertinent economic issues. As you can probably guess, the Yuan revaluation was at the forefront of the agenda. When criticized over the nominal 2% revaluation that China effected in July, the chairman of China’s Central Bank offered a Chinese proverb: “crossing the river by touching the stones,” meaning China would prefer to take small steps towards revaluation rather than one or two giant leaps. China also insists it must improve its banking system and financial institutions before it will consider floating the Yuan. While the testimony was predictable, analysts nonetheless reacted with dismay. Dow Jones News reports:

“The long term position is for the Chinese market to liberalize, to become more liquid and to be accessible to international investors…but I would be at the long end of 3-5 year period at least.”

Read More: Currency Flexibility Still Distant for China

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Posted by Adam Kritzer | in Chinese Yuan (RMB), Politics & Policy | No Comments »

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