February 14th 2008
G7 Ignores Currencies
In its annual meeting, the G7 virtually ignored the situation in forex markets. In previous years, the G7 used the so-called "communique," which essentially functions as a summary of the meeting, to rebuke China for not allowing the Yuan to appreciate at a satisfactory pace. This year, the RMB has appreciated markedly- by 9% on a trade-weighted basis- and thus, the G7 opted not to apply further rhetorical pressure. In addition, several of the most prominent EU member states had hoped to work a discussion of the Dollar into the communique, but alas, any mention was notoriously absent. Analysts have speculated that this is due both to America’s political indifference towards the valuation of the Dollar as well to a disagreement over what the correct valuation should be, if indeed it is undervalued. Thomson Financial
"It was clear a few days ago that there was going to be no change in the (currency section) of the communique and that really spoke of a lack of consensus about mainstream currencies."
Read More: China spared ritual lambasting as yuan slips down G7 agenda