Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

May 10th 2007

Corporate Profits Buoyed by Forex Gains

While the American economy is sputtering, US corporations are earnings record profits and stock market capitalization is soaring.  These seemingly contradictory trends are being driven by the decline in the USD.  Multinational corporations, especially those based in the US, are conducting a growing portion of their business abroad and subsequently, their foreign sales are booming.  When corporations convert these profits from the currencies they are booked in back to USD, on which their financial statements are based, they are realizing the equivalent of a 5-10% bump from foreign exchange gains.  Many of these companies are web-based, such as Yahoo, Amazon and eBay.  Ironically, as the economy sags, betting on these types of companies may be akin to a bet against the USD.

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