Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

January 5th 2006

Canadian Loonie faces new challenges in 2006

In the last three years, the Canadian Dollar has appreciated over 35% against the USD! Most of those gains, however, took place in 2003 and 2004, as the Loonie only appreciated 3.5% in 2005. Accordingly, many currency strategists believe 2006 will be a flat year for the Canadian currency, due to declining commodity prices and a stagnant economy. In fact, recent economic data suggest that these two variables are closely related, as Canada relies heavily on commodity exports to drive its economy. Nonetheless, 2006 should witness hikes in Canadian interest rates, which could draw inflows of foreign capital. In short, there are competing forces tugging at the Loonie, which could conceivably be pulled in either direction. CBC Business News reports:

The central bank has raised its trend-setting overnight interest rate three times in recent months, to 3.25 per cent, to keep inflation from taking off. Analysts have said the bank could push the key rate as high as four per cent in 2006.

Read More: Canadian dollar falls more than full U.S. cent as commodity prices slip

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Posted by Adam Kritzer | in Canadian Dollar, Economic Indicators | No Comments »

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