Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

June 6th 2008

ECB, Unemployment Weigh on Dollar

In the near future, this day may be looked back on as important in the battle between the Dollar and Euro that is currently being waged. The previous month had been relatively kind to the Dollar, which had gradually clawed its way back from a record low against the Euro. Then came yesterday, when Jean-Claude Trichet, leader of the European Central Bank, surprised investors when he announced that not only will the ECB not be cutting rates, but in fact, it may hike them. If enough members of the Central Bank become convinced that inflation is unlikely to abate, the rate hike could come as soon as next month. Today, the knockout punch was delivered, when the US unemployment rate came in at 5.5%. Not insignificant by itself, what was most shocking was that the crucial indicator had risen .5% from last month, its largest increase in more than a decade. Reuters reports:

That should undermine the dollar’s prospects…"The focus is on the unemployment rate, as it’s obviously starting to catch up with the softening in the payrolls figures…and that’s what the market is reacting to."

Read More: Dollar falls as US jobless rate shoots up


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