Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

May 13th 2008

Q1: Dollar Down 4%

Although the first quarter of 2008 ended on March 31, it wasn’t until last week that the Federal Reserve Bank finally finished tallying all of the data and released its obligatory report on the performance of the Dollar. On a trade-weighted basis, the Dollar declined 4%, a figure which accounts for a whopping 11% decline against the Japanese Yen and an 8% decline against the Euro. According to the Fed’s analysis, January was relatively kind to the Dollar, as traders remained uncertain as to how the credit crisis would affect the US economy. An outpouring of negative data in the next 4-6 weeks sent the Dollar spiraling downward, although it recovered at the end of March, as the Fed moved to build liquidity in the financial markets. The Fed also noted that it did not intervene in currency markets during the first quarter, firmly putting to rest rumors to the contrary. Forbes reports:

There had been intermittent discussion in the markets of a coordinated foreign exchange intervention by the G-3 central banks, but the Fed report confirmed officially what markets already realized.

Read More: NY Fed reports trade-weighted dollar down more than 4% in first quarter 

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