Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

December 10th 2007

China Trade Surplus Sets New Record

Despite, or perhaps because of the appreciating Yuan, China’s trade surplus with the US is growing by 50% on an annualized basis, and is set to surpass $250 Billion for the year.  In theory, the more expensive Chinese currency should reduce US dependence on Chinese exports and narrow the trade imbalance.  In practice, the US is actually importing a greater quantity of goods and services from China and is also paying higher prices because of the appreciating Yuan.  Ironically, the US Treasury Secretary is scheduled to discuss this matter with his Chinese counterpart next week, and is expected to pressure China to appreciate the RMB even faster against the Dollar. Unfortunately, China’s hands are partially tied as a result of an agreement it already signed with the EU, under which it promised to appreciate the RMB against the Euro. Bloomberg News reports:

Under the current regime, the yuan is allowed to move as much as 0.5 percent against the U.S. dollar every day, from the previous limit of 0.3 percent. "There will be a broadening of the trading band again in the next few months," said one analyst.

Read More: China Trade Surplus Probably Held Near Record, Fueling Tension

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Posted by Adam Kritzer | in Chinese Yuan (RMB), Politics & Policy | No Comments »

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