July 23rd 2007
Euro’s Rise due to Optimism?
The Euro’s rise against the USD over the last year has been swift and unimpeded. Many commentators have theorized that it is intense pessimism surrounding the US economy and economic conditions-namely the burgeoning twin deficits-that is responsible for the Dollar’s demise. Now, a new theory is being batted around, one that is quickly gaining traction with analysts:
perhaps it is optimism directed towards the EU economy rather than pessimism towards the US that is causing the Euro to spike. After all, the European economy has rebounded nicely and boasts stable monetary and trade statistics. However, this notion of European optimism, if it in fact exists, has some analysts worried that the markets are becoming too optimistic, and that if they are not careful, they will end up wrecking the European economy by driving up the Euro too high. The Times Online reports:
If the euro keeps rising without limit, Europe’s export industries will be decimated, as they were not only in Britain, but also in America in the mid-1980s and also in Japan after 1995.
Read More: The euro’s rise and rise is unsustainable