Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis.

June 22nd 2007

Yen Falls to Record Lows

This week, the President of the Central Bank of Japan essentially ruled out the possibility of a near-term rate hike, which was exactly the kind of reassuring news forex carry traders wanted to hear. As a result, the Yen quickly dropped to record lows against the Euro, British Pound and Australian Dollar, as well to a four-year low against the USD.  Surprisingly, the Swiss Franc, would seem an excellent candidate to fund the carry trade, is also surging. Now that any near-term volatility-which is the bane of carry traders-has been removed, the carry trade is likely to thrive. High-yielding currencies, such as the New Zealand Kiwi, will likely attract continued attention from speculators. At this point, it seems the only thing that could possibly slow the carry trade is a Japanese rate hike, or the mere threat of one.

Read More: Carry trades hit yen but Swiss franc surges

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