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May 11th 2006

US: China not a currency manipulator

The eagerly awaited semi-annual Treasury report on exchange rates has finally been released, and the results may have serious implications. Many members of Congress, among others, had been hoping the US would use the report to officially label China a currency manipulator, which would justify the use of trade sanctions and other economic penalties. Instead, while admitting it was concerned about widening economic balances engendered by China’s artificially low exchange rate, the Treasury Department stopped short of formally accusing China of currency manipulation. The report may provide the impetus to propel a bill, which would punish China economically, through Congress. The New York Times reports:

They [Senators Schumer and Graham] can be expected to challenge the Treasury report’s conclusion, but they have also kept their bill calling for tariffs on hold while watching how China responds.

Read More: China Not Manipulating Currency, U.S. Says

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Posted by Adam Kritzer | in Chinese Yuan (RMB), Politics & Policy | No Comments »

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